
01 Apr 2013

SHA Hasing in OpenSSL

In this post you’re going to hash data using Secure Hash Algorithm - SHA. SHA is a one-way message digest mechanism that actually refers to a group of hash functions that often correspond by a version number. SHA-1 produces 160 bit, or 20 byte output and is similar to MD4 and MD5. SHA-2 included 256 and 512 block sizes, while SHA-3 uses the same block sizes as SHA-2, but was completely redesigned from previous SHA versions based off of predicated attacks. Generally you want to use 256 or 512 block sizes as it’s more secure.

SHA-1 has major weaknesses. It is not approved for production cryptographic implementations. You should not for applications relying on security. 1 2.

You’ll use the SHA2 family of operations in the OpenSSL encryption library. While OpenSSL is C code, it is quite common to use it for C++ development. The other common library is Crypto++.

In OpenSSL, you can use one-shot functinos such as SHA512. This is good if you already have all the data to hash. If the entirety of the message is not stored in memory such as when using streams, you can use multiple hash calls. You’ll learn this way because the solution is more extensible. It works for both streams and one-shot logic.

Initializing a Context

To initialize a context structure, call EVP_DigestInit(). You then add chunks using the EVP_DigestUpdate() function. When there’s no more data to add, call EVP_DigestFinal() to get a pointer to the hashed data.

These are higher level functions for message digests - EVP_Digest. The EVP methods are “envelope” interfaces to cryptographic operations. Always start with a high level solution. Low level solutions may introduce more security holes if you’re not careful with the implementation. Create a header file and call it MessageDigest.h. Don’t forget to link against the libcrypto and libssl libraries:

#include <iostream>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class MessageDigest
    static string sha2ForString(std::string &theString, int length);
    static string messageDigestStringFromData(vector<uint8_t> data);

Creating a Digest

First, you’ll hash a string. Create a function to hash the string given a specific hash length:

std::string MessageDigest::sha2ForString(std::string &theString, int length)
    string shaString;
    if ( ! theString.empty())
        EVP_MD_CTX *context = EVP_MD_CTX_create();
        if (context)
            EVP_MD *type = NULL;
            switch (length)
                case SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH:
                    type = (EVP_MD *)EVP_sha512();
                case SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH:
                    type = (EVP_MD *)EVP_sha384();
                case SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH:
                    type = (EVP_MD *)EVP_sha256();
                case SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH:
                    type = (EVP_MD *)EVP_sha224();
                    type = (EVP_MD *)EVP_sha512();
            if (EVP_DigestInit_ex(context, type, NULL))
                if (EVP_DigestUpdate(context, theString.c_str(), theString.length()))
                    unsigned char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
                    unsigned int lengthOfHash = 0;

                    if (EVP_DigestFinal_ex(context, hash, &lengthOfHash))
                        std::stringstream ss;
                        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < lengthOfHash; ++i)
                            ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)hash[i];

                        shaString = ss.str();
    return shaString;

In this code, you initialized a EVP_MD_CTX and EVP_MD type given one of four lengths: 224, 256, 384 and 512. After you create the hash, you convert it using hexidecimal (Base16) using std::hex. Then you cleanup the context by calling EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup and EVP_MD_CTX_destroy.

Performing Low Level Operations

You can use one-shot functinos such as SHA512 or it’s init, update and final counterparts. This time you’ll create a static function to hash binary data, then turn that data into a string so that you can easily store or transmit it. The string will reveal the hexadecimal digits for the hashed data. Add this to the implementation file MessageDigest.cpp:

string MessageDigest::messageDigestStringFromData(vector<uint8_t> data)
    string resultString;
    if ( ! data.empty())
        array<unsigned char, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH> shaHash;
        SHA512_CTX context;
        bzero(&context, sizeof(context));
        bool success = SHA512_Init(&context);
        if (success)
                success = SHA512_Update(&context, CFDataGetBytePtr(chunkData), chunkDataLength);
        if (success)
                success = SHA512_Final(shaHash.data(), &context);
        if (success)
                if ( ! shaHash.empty())
                    //Convert to HEX/Base16
                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i != shaHash.size(); ++i)
                        resultString += "0123456789abcdef"[shaHash[i] / 16];
                        resultString += "0123456789abcdef"[shaHash[i] % 16];
                    } //end for
                } //end if ( ! sha1Hash.empty())
        } //end if (success)
    return resultString;

Here you used the SHA512 functions to hash binary data and converted it to a HEX string. In this case, the SHA512_Final function also erases the context structure.

Porting The Code

That’s all you need to do to create a message digest. But if you’d like to port this to iOS and OS X platforms, for example, write a function to make it interoperable with Core Foundation, and thus the Foundation Cocoa environment. Here’s an updated header file, adding the Core Foundation framework and one new static function that returns a CFStringRef.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>

using namespace std;

class MessageDigest
    static string sha2ForString(std::string &theString, int length);
    static string messageDigestStringFromData(vector<uint8_t> data);
    static CFStringRef createMessageDigestStringFromData(CFDataRef data); //need to CFRelease data

You’ll need to add the appropriate headers in your implementation file:

#import <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonCryptor.h>
#import <Security/Security.h>

Here’s the Core Foundation method to add to MessageDigest.cpp:

CFStringRef MessageDigest::createMessageDigestStringFromData(CFDataRef chunkData)
    string resultString;
    if (chunkData)
        CFIndex chunkDataLength = CFDataGetLength(chunkData);
        vector<uint8_t> vector;
        CFDataGetBytes(chunkData, CFRangeMake(0, chunkDataLength), &vector[0]);
        resultString = messageDigestStringFromData(vector);
    return CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, resultString.c_str(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

You used the word “create” at the beginning of the function name; denoting that the returned object has a retain count of +1 and will need a CFRelease();

If you’re working entirely on this platform, check out the article covering SHA512 using the Common Crypto library. Here is the full MessageDigest class for you to download.

Now that you’ve learned about hashing, see how it’s applied to signing data in the next article.